Thursday, January 7, 2010

Letter to future husband

Dear Mr. Invisible,
I'm pretty sure I haven't met you yet. If I have, I'd be pretty surprised, unless we've just met in passing. My life without you is a pretty happy one. While I'd appreciate you by my side through all the adversities that come my way in this mortal life, I do feel that my goals and actions right now are worthwhile and pleasing to our Heavenly Father which helps me have hope and faith in the future.

Before you came into my life, I had aspirations of becoming some sort of professional writer. I'm sure that I will still make writing a constant hobby while married to you, but right now I hope to make it much more than a hobby. I want to inspire, help, inform and or entertain a vast amount of people with my writing. Whether it is through a novel, a newspaper or magazine article, or a song I hope to reach many through the written word.

I will soon graduate from BYU-Idaho with a BS in Communication. I plan on attending Grad School to further my education and help me achieve my goals.
I love college life and the chance to continually re-invent myself. Many of my friends have found their eternal companions which has forced me to continually gain new friendships.

I was blessed to serve a full time mission in the Mississippi Jackson Mission. This experience blessed my life more than any other, and I hope I instill the the things I gained on my mission in my future rolls as a wife and mother.

I love life. I love expression. I love verbal and written communication. I try my hardest to understand all points of view. I don't always succeed at this, but I do try. I love to laugh and to make others laugh. I love it when people trust me enough to share their feelings, fears, hopes and dreams with me. I also like to cry. I feel like it releases unwanted and unneeded negative energy.

I hope I can remain the person I am today while married to you, except continually learning, growing, and becoming better as we strive to reach our Heavenly Father together.

Your future wife.

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